EVERYTHING! Here is the connection. We have a small group of residents, our version of The Squad . This small group of individuals is the all-knowing, the smartest people in North Haven, and you better not disagree with them! If you do, you will be called a racist , homophobe, xenophobe, a white supremacist , and of course a bully . If you bring logic to the conversation, they will then claim that you are threatening them. This group is all sheep, following the new Progressive Democratic Party playbook as the Democratic Party no longer exists. First, it was Occupy Wall Street, then Black Lives Matters, then ANTIFA, and now its BIPOC which stands for Black Indigenous People of Color. I kid you not! And of course, they are using one of their great Progressive thinkers' Catchphrases – “ Never let a good crisis go to waste. ” They have been motivated after watching their group going around the country attacking TV shows like COPS, PD LIVE, Paw...
The purge has started here in North Haven and more is coming. It has started on Facebook with one North Haven group page has been shut down or archived . The moderator couldn't handle to outpouring support NOT to change to town's school mascot. So he shut it down and deleted the original posts regarding the school mascot I will say that some of the language from some adults - a term I am using loosely here - was not called for. Some of it was disgusting from both sides of the debate. But to shut down a page for people to debate virtually through social media, it's the cowardly way to stop people from expressing their first amendment right. Now there is more talk of changing more things here in North Haven while shutting people down if they object or disagree with them like they are starting to do on social media.